Growing environments are a great way to grow in your relationship with Christ.

Financial Peace University
*any question contact Jeff Overton, Financial Peace Coordinator: 636-443-9805 or
Financial Peace University (FPU) is a fun way to learn about getting your finances in order (basics of budgeting, dumping debt, planning for the future, and much more). Dave Ramsey and his teaching team bring comedy and put FUN in finances.

Women’s Ministry
The goal of Women’s Ministry is to provide an environment which enables each woman to
- Reach the potential of her God given call and purpose To prayerfully support our family in Christ
- Encourage and connect women to God and each other
- Provide opportunities to serve in accordance with God’s commands
Bible Studies: contact Jan Killion,
Prayer Group meets weekly Tuesday evenings 6:30p.m.
Please contact the church office for details of times/location: or 636-240-3567.
Get the latest on the ministry and upcoming events on the New Life Women’s Ministry Facebook
“Let us consider how to stir up one another to love and Good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another.
Hebrews 10:24-25

Men’s Ministry
Looking for a place to connect and strengthen your faith walk? The NLC Men’s Ministry is a place where you can definitely “Gather, Grow and Go” places together. There is no better time to jump in and get involved. Let’s share this journey together.
How? It’s easy to stay connected. Just follow the links below to the New Life Church calendar and our NLC Men’s Ministry Facebook page. Consider this your personal invitation to make a deeper connection at NLC. There is always room for more people just like you!

Grief Recovery
There are 40 causes for grief and people say you have to let go and move on with your life, but they don’t tell you how to do that. This Grief Recovery Method Grief Support Group provides a safe environment that enables partnerships and guidance to ensure it happens.
Your feelings are normal and natural. The problem is that we have been socialized to believe that these feelings are abnormal and unnatural. Whether your loss is from:
- Death
- Divorce or end of a relationship
- Loss of a career
- Loss of trust
- Loss of faith
- Loss of safety
- Loss of health
Myths about grief:
- Time heals all wounds
- Replace the loss
- Grieve alone
- Be strong for others
- Bury your feelings
This 7-week program provides a safe environment for you to look at your old beliefs about dealing with loss, which losses have affected your life, and take actions that will lead you to complete healing of unresolved emotions that may still be causing you pain. It’s an action-based group that involves reading and writing assignments outlined in The Grief Recovery Handbook – 20th Anniversary Expanded Edition. It’s not a drop in group.